Saturday, January 10, 2009

Did you know?

As Director of one of the largest BDSM/Fetish educational events in the country - The Floating World, I
have had numerous occasions to work with people from NCSF in assuring the event goes off with minimal
friction. They have offered invaluable advice on dealing with municipal authorities and have been very
helpful in dealing with an always-prying media. Susan Wright of NCSF has been our media relations expert
from the beginning, and has done wonders in keeping us out of the media circus spotlight.

One particular case was when a reporter from The Star Ledger newspaper decided our event was excellent
human interest material, even though we explained clearly that we wanted no press. Susan spent much time
on the phone and in person with this very determined reporter and managed to expertly turn the focus
away from us. She did her best to get the story cancelled, but when the Editor wouldn't have it she did
excellent damage control, injecting positive elements into the story and delaying the release of the
article until AFTER our event, avoiding a flood of curiosity seekers and other media looking for their
own stories.

What could have easily been a media disaster became a manageable issue, and her help meant I could focus
on keeping the event on track and protecting the privacy of our attendees.

Dan Andersen, Director -
The Floating World
Edison, NJ

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